Thursday, January 26, 2006

What are you reading?

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Last book was the In Praise of Older Women by Stephen Vizincsey... Top book, recommeded for any post-21 year old harking back to the days when they would fantasise about older women. And that's as far as we're going on that topic.

Moved on to Darfur: The Ambigious Genocide by Gerard Prunier, an excellent central and east African scholar who wrote probably the most comprehensive book there is on the Rwandan Genocide. Not typical holiday reading (hey, forgotten that i'm on a year long holiday?!).. The guy doesn't mess about in his scathing criticism of the many deserving factions in Sudanese politics. What surprised me, though, half way into this book is the extent to which Gaddafi contributed to chaos in Sudan and the extent to which this contributed to the present crisis and crimes against humanity being committed there. And Gaddafi, having fuelled civil war in Chad, Sudan and Sierra Leone is now a friend of the US... yet the man should be thrown in front of an international tribunal. Oh Politics!


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