Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Anything but...

An Arab friend of mine was on the phone to his parents the other day. His parents are quite liberal and they have a fairly open relationship. He's been trying to (hitherto successfully) court a pretty young Jewish lady. Despite being Christians their Arab roots predispose them to a variety of prejudices towards whole peoples (Iranians, Shia, Jews, Kurds, Africans... you name it). Thus it's somewhat wise to run a check with the old folk whether they pass the Arab Parent Satisfaction Test (henceforth patented by Iraqi Chav).

So he drops the following question:

'What do you think about me dating a Jewish girl?,' he asks (aptly)

To which his Dad responds...

(...wait for it...)

'So long as she's not Islamic.'

Haha! Genius!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i'm the person you're apparently referring to, though i really do not recognise this describtion of my family

4:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not really that important, but to set the record straight, she was courting me, not the other way round ;-)

4:12 pm  

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