Well deserved
Despite it being 2:51 am i've dragged myself out of the warm clutches of my quilt in order to face the cold world of the internet. But I tell you, and I tell you this emphatically, it is worth it.
Having been woken roughly ten minutes ago by the family dog Zena (see pic) anxiously whining outside my door I somehow tore myself from the warm nest that is my bed and took her outside. Poor lady, the first thing she did when she got to the garden was let out a god-awful burst of diahorrea of the type that makes you:
(a) ask yourself whether that was really you or a shit-canon posing as your anus
(b) hope to god that nobody intends to use the same toilet for at least two years
(c) feel that death is a lenient punishment for letting something like that out into the wider world.
Well Zena here's a tribute to you for being so kind and considerate to us that you held it in and were determined enough to drag me out of bed to ensure you didn't do it in the house.
Cheers girl!
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